The Fascinating Age Difference Between Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman

Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman's marriage was one of the most talked about relationships in Hollywood. Learn more about their age difference and why it caused controversy.

The Fascinating Age Difference Between Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman

Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman's marriage was one of the most talked about relationships in Hollywood. The two met during the filming of Days of Thunder and went on to star in the 1992 romance Far and Away. Despite how painful their divorce was, they had nothing but praise for each other right after. But what many people don't know is that there is a five-year age difference between the two stars. Tom Cruise is 27 years older than Nicole Kidman, making him the elder of the two.

This age gap was a source of controversy when they first got together, as it was alleged that Scientology was as important in organizing their marriage as it was in orchestrating their divorce. Long before Tom Cruise destroyed his reputation by jumping onto Oprah's couch, and decades before Nicole Kidman became the queen of several Twitter memes, they were Hollywood's most powerful couple. Like his fellow Scientologist John Travolta, Tom Cruise has long faced rumors that he's secretly gay. When the couple broke up in 2001, Entertainment Weekly reported on the various rumors that were circulating about why Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman broke up.

Despite how painful the divorce was, Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise had nothing but praise for each other right after.

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